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Dr. Scott Miller Reflects on Facial Rejuvenation Lecture at UCSD

In an effort to remain up-to-date on the latest techniques and technologies in plastic surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Scott Miller, frequently participates in lectures and demonstrations throughout the medical community. As a leader in cosmetic plastic surgery in San Diego, Dr. Miller was recently asked to speak about contemporary techniques in facial rejuvenation at the UCSD Division of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds. Below is a Q&A we had with Dr. Miller regarding his facial rejuvenation presentation.

Question: What specific facial plastic surgery procedures did you discuss in your lecture?
Dr. Miller: I discussed contemporary techniques in facial rejuvenation with emphasis on dimension; specifically, the double layer face lift which provides support, enhances shape, and maintains proportion, resulting in a natural, youthful appearance.

Q: What is a dimensional facelift and how does it differ from the traditional facelift?
DM: Traditional facelifts tend to be unidimensional, often leading to a face that looks flat and pulled. The dimensional facelift differs in two substantial ways:

First, it emphasizes enhancement of the natural highlights and prominences of the face, including cheekbone fullness, angularity of the jawline, and three dimensionality of the transition between the face and neck.

And second, it does this through support of the underlying tissues rather than just the skin, resulting in more natural and longer lasting improvements.

Q: What main points and/or skills do you hope your audience took away from your lecture?
DM: I hope my audience appreciates that a naturally beautiful face doesn’t occur in a flat plane. Analysis of attractive faces across cultures and continents reveals three dimensionality, highlights and prominences, and clear transitions – such as the jaw and neck line – as signs of beauty.

When well thought out and artistically applied, contemporary surgical intervention can provide the balanced, vibrant, and naturally-beautiful results patients seek.

Q: What kind words did you receive from Dr. Sam Spira following your lecture?
DM: Dr. Sam Spira, a retired professor and innovator in the field of Plastic Surgery, expressed appreciation for the conceptual and technical detail demonstrated and insight provided to achieve outstanding results.

Q: Why do you feel it is important for plastic surgeons and residents in training to stay actively involved in lectures such as this?
DM: Continued learning about new developments, both surgical and nonsurgical, can greatly benefit patients. When high-level plastic surgeons have professional discussions sharing their experiences with different approaches toward facial rejuvenation, patients win.

Q: How do you feel presenting in these lectures enhances the level of care you are able to provide your patients?
DM: By learning about what others are doing, I can pick and choose what may be most helpful for my patients. Such discussions tend to make each surgeon more thoughtful and contemplative with regards to what comprises beauty and how best to achieve it. The opportunity to share my thoughts and approaches gives me the opportunity to reflect on my surgical approaches, as well as share and learn from others.

Contact Dr. Scott Miller

For more information about facial rejuvenation techniques, or for questions or concerns regarding cosmetic surgery, please contact Dr. Scott Miller today to schedule a one-on-one consultation.

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