Radiant Life Magazine – Gentle Liposuction: A Kinder, Gentler Lipo

Gentle lipo is an approach which utilizes the Body-Jet to rinse and release excess fat deposits from unwanted areas of the body.
Traditional liposuction, suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL) infuses large amounts of wetting solution (tumescent fluid). This blows up the fat cells and constricts the arteries and veins, making removal easier and less bloody. However, in stretching the tissues greatly, it also damages the connective fibers necessary to support skin retraction to the new, slimes contours. All subsequent liposuction techniques, power assisted liposuction (PAL), ultrasound assistedliposuction (UAL), and even laser assisted liposuction (LAL), require this same damaging step of blowing the tissues up to allow fat removal.