What Are Typical Body Procedures for Men?
Our male patients seek to improve their appearance for a variety of reasons, such as a boost in confidence in their physical appearance, to feel energized and competitive in the workplace, or to look good for their significant other. Common body procedures for men often include:
Liposuction: Liposuction is designed to eliminate excess fat cells that have proven resistant to your diet and exercise efforts. In men, this procedure can often reveal the muscles beneath your fat and give you an overall toned appearance.
Tummy tuck: A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, focuses on the excess fat and skin that can hang from the beltline, and it also effectively tightens abdominal muscles that may have been stretched due to years of carrying significant extra weight.
Gynecomastia treatment (male breast reduction): Gynecomastia, a common condition that causes the breasts to take on a swollen or enlarged appearance, can be treated with male breast reduction and reveal a more contoured and muscular chest.
Regardless of the reason you might be considering a body sculpting procedure, we focus on delivering male plastic surgery results that look natural and create a strong, masculine figure. To learn more about cosmetic body treatments for men, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today.